Saturday, October 18, 2008

henrik jose-energy is for henrik

"It’s about sleep, inspiration and all the other things that always occupy my mind"

henrik has got a beautiful voice and is so wonderful to curl up in bed and fall asleep listening to.

sometimes i wonder and think about this movie idea a friend told me about. his protagonist would have this dilemma between choosing between the real world that is so full of hate and anger,and the beautiful life he carves out in his dreams.I've been sleeping a lot lately and while i have been getting some pretty bizarre dreams, my problem/distraction lies in me just lying down under layers and layers of blankets, and hugging a pillow and wishing that it was my boyfriend next to me instead of an empty bed.

i miss him.i need his smell and the feel of his hand in mine.

in the meantime i sleep,and i wish and i dream.

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